Rules & Plans
Air District Rules and Regulations
Air District Plans
- AVAQMD 2004 Ozone Attainment Plan
- AVAQMD Implementation Schedule for Measures to Reduce PM pursuant to H&S Code 39614(d)
- AVAQMD 2006 8-hr Ozone RACT SIP Analysis
- AVAQMD 2006 8-hr Ozone Federal Negative Declarations for 51 Source Categories
- AVAQMD 2008 Ozone Attainment Plan
- AVAQMD 2010 8-hr Ozone Federal Negative Declarations for 3 Source Categories
- AVAQMD 2010 Ozone Attainment Plan Federal 8-Hour
- AVAQMD 2014 Supplement to the 2006 RACT SIP Analysis
- AVAQMD Smoke Management Program
- AVAQMD California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) & Federal Conformity Guidelines
- AVAQMD 2015 RACT SIP Analysis
- AVAQMD 2015 8-hr Ozone Federal Negative Declaration for 20 CTG Source Categories
- AVAQMD 2016 8-hr Ozone Federal Negative Declaration for 7 CTG Source Categories
- AVAQMD 2017 Federal 75 ppb Ozone Attainment Plan
- AVAQMD 2020 Federal 70 ppb Ozone Evaluation: RACT SIP Analysis
- AVAQMD 2023 Federal 70 ppb Ozone Attainment Plan
AB 181-School District Transportation Plan Consultation
(For proposed Rules & Plans please see Rule Development Page)