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About The District

"Protecting Those We Serve" 
The District Program was established in 1997 by the State Legislature which separated the Antelope Valley and northern Los Angeles County from the South Coast Air Quality Management District. The Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District is the local agency with the primary responsibility for the control of non-vehicular sources of air pollution throughout the Antelope Valley.

The District lies within the northern part of Los Angeles County. The District boundaries start on the south just outside of Acton, north to the Kern County line, east to the San Bernardino County line, and west to the Quail Lake area. The AVAQMD is located within the Mojave Desert air basin. An air basin is a geographical region to describe an area with a commonly shared air mass, since air pollution does not follow county, city, or political boundaries.

Air Pollution: A Growing Problem 
In most cases, California's air quality standards are more protective of health than the federal standards. Antelope Valley AQMD does not meet the state 1-hour or federal 8-hour standard for ozone. This means, is that on some days we breathe unhealthy air. The county's sunny climate, pollution-trapping mountains, transport pollution from the Los Angeles basin and a growing population, all contribute to the problem.

Ozone is an invisible pollutant formed by chemical reactions involving nitrogen oxides, reactive hydrocarbons, and sunlight. It is a powerful respiratory irritant that can cause coughing, shortness of breath, headaches, fatigue, and lung damage. It is especially harmful among children, the elderly, the ill, and people who exercise outdoors. Ozone also damages plants, including agricultural crops, and degrades manufactured materials such as rubber and paint.

What We Do 
Our mission is to protect the people and the environment of the Antelope Valley from the effects of air pollution through developing and implementing programs and regulations to improve our air quality. The AVAQMD is committed to achieving and maintaining healthful air quality throughout our jurisdiction. This is accomplished through a comprehensive program of planning, regulation, enforcement, technical innnovation, and promotion of the understanding of air quality issues. 
As part of our clean air strategy, we do the following:

  • Adopt rules that limit pollution, issue permits to ensure compliance, and inspect pollution sources. 
  • Administer agricultural burning and dust plans to preserve the air quality in Antelope Valley, protect public health and safety, and to ensure agricultural activity continues in a safe regulated fashion. 
  • Inventory and assess the health risks of toxic air emissions. 
  • Monitor the county's air quality through the use of an air quality monitoring station. 
  • Administer the Motor Vehicle Emission Reduction Program funding projects which reduce air pollution from motor vehicles, and for related planning, monitoring, and enforcement. 
  • Prepare Clean Air Plans to identify how much pollution is in our air, where it comes from, and how to control it most effectively. 
  • Analyze the air quality impact of new businesses and land development projects. 
  • Respond to public complaints and inquiries. 
  • Work with other government agencies to ensure their decisions & coordinate with good air quality programs. 
  • Help individuals and businesses understand and comply with federal, state, and local air pollution control laws. 
  • Inform the public about air quality conditions and health implications. 
  • Issue permits to build, alter, and operate equipment to companies under our jurisdiction that either cause, contribute to, or control air pollution.

How We're Organized- Who's in Charge 
The AVAQMD’s Governing Board is comprised of two members of the Palmdale City Council, two members of the Lancaster City Council, two members appointed by the 5th District Supervisor of Los Angeles County, and one public member. The Board establishes policy and approves new rules. The Governing Board also appoints the Air Pollution Control Officer and District Hearing Board. The Board meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at the Board Chambers  for AVTA located at 42210 6th Street West, Lancaster 93534.

The Air Quality Hearing Board is a quasi-judicial body established by State law, appointed by the AQMD board. The five-member Hearing Board is authorized to grant or deny a petition for variance, uphold or overturn permits, and issue orders for abatement. The Hearing Board meets as requested.

The AVAQMD has 6 full time employees that work together in a common sense approach to cleaning the air. District employees are clean air advocates and include: technicians, policy-makers, scientists, communicators, engineers, planners, inspectors, and office professionals. People with diverse talents sharing a common trait - a concern for the quality of air we all breathe while supporting intelligent growth of our local community.

Funding Sources and Uses 
Much of the District revenue comes from fees paid by businesses and industries that emit air pollution. In addition, there is a clean air surcharge on all vehicle registration fees paid by vehicles registered within the Antelope Valley. Other funding sources include State grants. The District does not use any County or City general funds.

How to Reach Us 
We are here to serve the public through protection and enhancement of the air quality resources. Our public includes a spectrum of private citizenry and industries, from a child's day in school to a CEO's decision to locate a new industry and look for a healthy balance of safe environmental protection and a healthy industrial economy. We continuously seek to improve District programs and solicit active participation in recommending program changes, procedures, and ideas on how to better serve you.

The Air District office is located at 2551 W Avenue H in Lancaster California. You've no doubt heard the term "customer service"; please take the time and stop by the Air District's office, meet the staff, and find out how the District staff makes "customer service" actually happen.

Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District 
2551 W Avenue H 
Lancaster, CA 93536

(661) 723-8070

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30 am- 5:00 pm
closed alternating Fridays