Proposed adoption of the Federal Negative Declaration
Proposed adoption of the Federal Negative Declaration for One Control Techniques Guidelines Source Category (Oil and Natural Gas Industry)
For adoption December 20, 2016
The Federal Negative Declaration for One CTG Source Category is proposed for adoption. This FND is different from the Negative Declarations associated with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Instead, these FNDs, once adopted by the Governing Board, will serve as official certification to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) that there are no stationary sources or emitting facilities in the specified source category that are subject to the applicability threshold of a CTG located within the area designated as non-attainment for ozone within the AVAQMD. The AVAQMD has been designated nonattainment for ozone and its precursors and is required to provide regulation of major sources in a variety of categories. For these sources, USEPA requires the submission of a Federal Negative Declaration (FND) certifying that these sources are not present.
This item has been continued to the January 21, 2020 meeting.
Federal Negative Declaration for One Source Category, Staff Report D2, 01/02/2020