How We're Organized - Who's in Charge
The AVAQMD’s Governing Board is comprised of two members of the Palmdale City Council, two members of the Lancaster City Council, two members appointed by the 5th District Supervisor of Los Angeles County, and one public member. The Board establishes policy and approves new rules. The Governing Board also appoints the Air Pollution Control Officer and District Hearing Board. The Board meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at the Board Chambers located in the offices of the Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District.
The Air Quality Hearing Board is a quasi-judicial body established by State law, appointed by the AQMD board. The five-member Hearing Board is authorized to grant or deny a petition for variance, uphold or overturn permits, and issue orders for abatement. The Hearing Board meets as requested.
The AVAQMD offices have a total of 8 full time equivalent employees work together in a common sense approach to cleaning the air. Five employees work and support the Antelope Valley office while the other 3 employees support the AVAQMD efforts by contract with the Mojave Desert AQMD in Victorville California. District employees are clean air advocates and include: technicians, policy-makers, scientists, communicators, engineers, planners, inspectors, and office professionals. People with diverse talents sharing a common trait - a concern for the quality of air we all breathe while supporting intelligent growth of our local community.